Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sending Thank You Notes

Writing thank you notes is the largest task for the bride and groom to complete throughout the engagement and wedding process. Start keeping track of gifts early to prevent confusion on who gifted what. Also remember to write thank you notes to people that helped host showers, parties, and organize details. To prevent getting overwhelmed with the number of cards you need to write, set aside time each week to complete a handful.

Thank you Deadlines:
Engagement Gifts                     3 Weeks
Bridal Shower                            3 Weeks
Wedding Gifts                       3 Months from the arrival of the gift

After all gifts have been received, and you begin writing your thank you notes, the message can start sounding repetitive. Use the following outline to properly show appreciation.
  1. Thank the person for the gift.
  2. Describe how you will use the gift.
  3. State how lovely it was to see them at the wedding festivities if they were able to attend. If they were present make a compliment on their attire or dancing ability. If they were unable to attend, express how sorry you were that they weren’t able to be there.
  4. Reference a future visit or get-together.
Thank you Etiquette:
  • If you will be sending thank you cards out prior to the wedding, your new name should not be used. Wait until after the wedding to formally sign your new last name.
  • Always hand write the thank you notes and envelopes. That person took time out of their life to get you a gift, take a little time out of your to show appreciation for their gesture.
  • Do not complete your thank you notes while on your honeymoon, your guests will willingly wait a few more weeks.


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